L053R meaning and definition

L053R meaning

A L053R is a loser.

L053R meaning

If you play any video game over the Internet, a Local Area Network (LAN), or any other way involving multiplayer functionality, you should use this name... L053R. That is spelled with a capital L, a zero, a five, a three, and an R. It strikes fear in the hearts of your opponents particularly when you hump their dead corpse and your name is rising up and own over their cresty, mutilated body. Use this title particularly if you play Halo, Halo 2, or any of the Unreal Tournament games. Now, you can use this in other video games, but it's not as good as when you use it in a futuristic first person shooter game.

Read also:

l0l meaning

An alternate saying of lol.

L0l0l0l0l0l meaning

A term used commonly in RuneScape as extreme douchebaggery to mock your opponents misery.Often used after a lulzy pk has been made.

l0lz meaning

another version of lol, but to mock people who actually use that word.

l0lz0r meaning

The l33t way of writing lolzor

l0nk meaning

its a link but waaaaaaaaaaay better.

l0ol meaning

This spelling of "lol" often used in the MMORPG game "runescape" (www.runescape.com) It is also most often used by the people who use words like "hax, n00b, r0fl" and replace letters with symbols such as (tr4de me, l337 h4xx0rz p\/\/n U) uh..ya... Other spellings: lo0l lOol loOl (the capital O is often replaced with a 0(zero)

l0pht meaning

a 'l33t' group of hackers l0pht = loft pronounced loft

l0phtCrack meaning

A hacking program for cracking SAM files on Windows systems. L0phtCrack is created by @stake. SAM is the file that stores all accounts and passwords on the computer. Sam is found in C:\windows\system32\config\SAM or C:\windows\repair\SAM

l0rn meaning

A stupid and mocking geek-leet laugh. It it used like lol, lolz, lolz0r, but is a bit crazier. Origin: A flash animation.

l0rnz0r meaning

An other geek-leet laugh used by pathetic noobs. It is basically used by gamers who die laughing. Origin: Counter-Strike. It is composed of the word "l0rn" and the syllable "z0r".