lacky ass meaning and definition

lacky ass meaning

1. A do nothing, a person who amounts to nothing even if they try hard to do so. 2. Useless, lazy person, lacking any substantial reason for being. 3. A person who kisses ass and reigns praise upon those around them in order to better themselves.

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Lacky band meaning

Shortened word referring to an elastic rubber band as found in stationery stores with a hundred and one uses.

Lacky Chonk meaning

A woodland creature, resembling a snail-unicorn, that has constantant encounters with a Woogle Woggle. Feeds on robot parts and human parts. Enjoys getting chonked, chonking around with pals, and chonkin off.

Lacky of Al meaning

1) Another name for Alec or Alex 2) Laxatives on crack

lacl meaning

Mentally retarded. Not intelligent. Ignorant.

Lac La Biche meaning

where all the white women at?

Lac-la Hache Lollypop meaning

getting a blow job through the longest town in B.C. All the way from 115 mile to the 132 mile

La Clair meaning

to totally make shit up. when you get busted, you just stick to the same story even though everyone knows you're full of shit. eventually, people just think you're fucking insane.

LaClare meaning

From the root words 'Lay' and 'Eclair.' 1. (VERB). The act of hovering ones ass over another's face and dropping brown. Synonym: Fecophilia 2. (NOUN). The brown, smelly, messy, remains left after the practice of fecophilia.

LACLAS meaning

acronym: Laughing And Clapping Like A Seal.For use in modern text based communications, particularly live chat, this abbreviation indicates that something of such overwhelming hilarity has been said that the chatter has shot past the lol turn off & has now gone all the way to uncontrollable, often silent laughter accompanied by dimwitted applauding in the manner of a trained seal. And rocking, there's usually also rocking.

Laclau and Mouffe meaning

A two-headed monster found hiding in a lair somewhere in the University of Essex.