legageddon meaning and definition

legageddon meaning

Similar to it's antonym 'armageddon', legageddon is the definition given to the rebirth of all matter in a place, such as the complete, miraculous restoration of a body which was completely oblitorated.

Read also:

Legaia 2 Pla meaning

Runescape powerhouse. Also Events "Fingers" for PCE, poster, youtuber, shuffler, and chatter extraordinare.

Legakis meaning

A very intelligent, sweet, loving girl who always makes the best out of everything. Can brighten the darkest of rooms with a single smile

legal meaning

Shit you can do without being thrown in jail

legal alien meaning

A person born into this world, but who truly is not of this world and walks the earth doing his time until the mother ship calls him home.

legal as fuck meaning

When shit is so legal that your bitch ass friends are asking for an MLA citation on the term

Legal Assistant meaning

Someone who does all the work for a successful lawyer. The Legal Assistant gets in trouble anytime there is a mistake even though its the lawyers job to carefully proof read everything. Many legal assistants are underpaid and overworked. They tend to be very good looking because lawyers are horny pervs who like to look at sexy women all day long.

legalatory meaning

A federal government employee's mispronunciation of "legal authority." But the definition is still the same.

Legal Bay meaning

code word for The Pirate Bay. Used in electronic communications to prevent being flagged by NSA, in conversations to avert eavesdropping DRM supporters, or just as an ironic alternative to "The Pirate Bay."

legal beagle meaning

A girl who legally is considered an adult, therefore legally able to consent to sex with other adults.

legal bud meaning

Shitty, pretend bud. No one has ever actually tried it