like-block meaning and definition

like-block meaning

Intentionally making yourself visible on someone's Facebook page to discourage others from liking or commenting.

like-block meaning

when you're about to like a comment on a social media site but a new comment is posted, shifting all previous comments upwards and forcing you to like a different comment.

Read also:

like blood like honey meaning

Holly Brook's album

like bo meaning

' 'Bo'To do anything with excess, but particularly buying items or spending money.Usually applicable when the person cannot afford to and is living like a person far beyond their means.Pronunciation: The 'Bo is popping, said with attitude.

Like Bomb meaning

when a person presses the "like" button on someones facebook page.

Like Bombing meaning

The act of going on a friends Facebook page and hitting the "Like" button on every single post, comment, picture or added friend notification, thus causing a very large number of notifications to pop-up on their phones and freeze the phone.

LikeBooker meaning

Someone who makes statuses in order to receive as many 'likes' as possible.

Likeborn meaning

when someone always gets hella likes on facebook. a reference to the game "Skyrim"'s dragonborn. the likes can be on comments, status updates, or if people just say like on their wall.

likebot meaning

When a person uses multiple accounts or certain programs to gain likes and/or views on their comments and posts.

like brushing my teeth with a rat meaning

To give a lady friend oral pleasure when said lady friend has unkempt pubic hair.

like buddha meaning

Milwaukee slang for the best or extremely well. Synonym for very.

like bullets meaning

when you can see the nipples (usually a females) due to the cold