Lyse meaning and definition

Lyse meaning

OMG! Sexy af, even though she's weird it does pull people closer and when she fucks you it's over . You're hooked. She probably has Beautiful piercing eyes and a cute smirk on her face. She's most likely a jokester but also serious when needed. She loves Pizza and Food in general.

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Lyserg meaning

The British dowser in the anime series Shaman King who wants to avenge his parents' death by killing the Hao Asakura, the murderer. He is often down on himself, saying that he's weak. His spirit ally is Morphin, a fairy that was a family inheritance. He joined up with Yoh Asakura's group once but left for the X-Laws because he wanted to become stronger. His name is a play on lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD. Morphin is a play on morphine.

Lysergia meaning

1. n. The state of mind gained from LSD. 2. n. An acid flashback. 3. n. A task or action that is simultaneously divine and destructive.

lysergic meaning

Trippy; psychedelic

lysergic acid amide meaning

Commonly confused with LSA, Lysergic Acid Amide(s) are a group of drugs, not a specific drug.

lysergic acid diethylamide meaning

the chemical name for L.S.D. or acid

Lysethea meaning

1. A "Lysethea" is a rare moon. 2. "Lysethea" is a beautiful intelligent female, also Wiccan, and is a Bloodelf (Vampire and Elf) by night. 3. A Princess 4. One who appreciates a romantic time

Lysette meaning

A wonderful, beautiful girl who often calls her closest friends dingus. She is exceedingly beautiful and goth. She also dumbs amazing Pandas.

lysfm meaning

An acronym for "Love you so fucking much" because people are lazy and can't type anymore.

lysfmiwdfu meaning

lysfmiwdfu = love you so fucking much i would die for you

Lysh meaning

A nickname that Alysha gave to herself in Freshman year by dropping the A's in her name. Figuring if she never got any A's in her classes, why should she have them in her name? And so it was.