MLIAer meaning and definition

MLIAer meaning

Someone who is a dedicated reader of My Life is Average. They are usually also secret ninjas, pretend to be dinosaurs, hate Twilight, have awesome teachers, love stupid moments, have brilliant senses of irony and sarcasm, and are above all, completely average.

MLIAer meaning

A person who believes that their Hogwarts Letter of Acceptance got lost (or that the owl did on the way), that ninjas are better than pirates and playing with NERF guns is time well spent.Also, a typical MLIA-er hates all things Twilight, and enjoys dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets. They also choose life goals through can be found en masse at

MLIAer meaning

A MLIAer is someone who is a deticated fan of MLIA. They are perhaps the awesomest people to ever surf this web and have very distingishable characteristics:-they LOVE Harry Potter-they HATE twilight-they will forever be on a quest to find Waldo-They have thing for ninjas-they obviously agree that Google is far better than Yahoo-Are quite interesting in random websites such as Cleverbot, weird laws and how many of me.-They are deticated to make this world a much more average place

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MLIAF meaning

Acronym for "my life is a fail". used at the end of a sentence to explain that you fail at life


MLIAFMLCL translates literally to "My Life Is Average, Fuck My Life -- Clown Love."It is a joke at the expense of Juggalo (ICP) culture, parodying their catch-phrase MMFWCL (Much Mother-Fucking Wicked Clown Love)With a quick glance, most juggalos will interpret this phrase as any other normal declaration of clownlove (mmfwcl), allowing hilarity to ensue.

MLIAJ meaning

"My life is a joke". Unfortunate, annoying things just keep happening to you. Over, and over and over again.

mlian meaning

My Life is A NightmareUsed to describe awful things, Ie: not having the 'right' pair of black shoes within your 20 pair collection. Not being able to stay more days on a European vacation because you have to prepare for another trip, etc

MLIAP meaning

My life is a porno.

MLIAR meaning

Abbreviation of My Life Is Arab; a site where all Arabs get together and post stories about their Arab lives.

MLIA Syndrome meaning

After you've read too many MLIAs on and you can't stop thinking of things in your life to submit in that format.

MLIATLA meaning

means My Life is Avatar: The Last Airbender. Your life consists of watching the most awesome fantastic show on the face of the earth and relating it back to your life. If your life is not Avatar: The Last Airbender, you really need to look at your life and look at your choices.Also, there is a tumblr web log dedicated to this life style.

MLIB meaning

My Life Is Boring. Said after a sarcastic comment about what you are doing.

MLIBA meaning

acronym: My Life Is Below Average This acronym, like FML and MLIA must ALWAYS go at the end of a sentence.