Maajid meaning and definition

Maajid meaning

Maajid is the man. He'll tmg anyone and is dank, the 10/10. No one can touch him as he will just break their face but he has a banging personality and will buss convo for time.

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A sweet smoothing chocolaty pussy that can soothe your life and a caring gently person that can make your world rock in one night

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A punjabi colloquial term for the slang term "motherfucker". Means to have intercourse with ones own mother.

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Friend; commonly used in greetings.See: Bro

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Hyderabadi word for Motherfucker. Pronounced maa-kay-low-day

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a word used in hindi used to scold ones mom in an xplicit way..

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1. personal stash of dope. 2. hottie babe (female) 3. contraband

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A term used to describe a person who is not capable of "owning". in other words... a "noob".

maali meaning

a maali is a samalian

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Young hansim man with alot of potenital and is known to have odd color eyes!