Maddoggery meaning and definition

Maddoggery meaning

The acting in a fashion that reflects insanity and a complete lack of responsibility and control. Maddoggery often occurs in places that such acts should not occur. Such places include heritage trails, funeral homes, churches and WWII concerntration camps. Maddoggery is a state of mind, not just a one off act of irrational behavior

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mad doggin meaning

To stare down someone in an aggressive manner in the hopes of starting a fight.

mad dogging meaning

Having gay butt sex

mad doggin it off the couch meaning

squating in front of the couch leaning back with your forearms resting on the seat cushions and then mounting your old lady dog style and using the couch as pushin leverage, has nothing to do with staring angrily at someone

mad dog keen meaning

A way of emphasising one's keenness to partake in an activity- often surfing, drinking or fighting. Often shortened to mad dog. Mad dog keen is a phrase made popular by the cult underground movie "Jordanman 2.0"

Mad Dog Mattis meaning

US Marine Corp General, the only man that Chuck Norris calls SIR.

Mad Dog Punch meaning

During combat when your so furious, you deliver a punch that packs so much strength, force and energy that it cause's your enemy to simply explode.

mad dog rattlesnake meaning

to fuck a girl from behind then as you are about to ejaculate pull out and cum on her back, shake your dick and yell shralpin!!!!!11 yewhew.

mad dog rule meaning

During a drinking game when a rule is needed the Mad Dog rule is the best. "The Mad Dog Rule" says that you must Mad Dog either the person across from you or everyone (your choice) whenever they take a drink or else you must take a drink yourself.

Mad Dog Shits meaning

The insane shit you take the morning after drinking a Mad Dog 2020. It smells like whatever flavor you drank. It's nasty.

Mad dog the hobbling recovering scab eating toe caper meaning

The most amazing person in the whole world. She really does not eat scabs, but she once did. She enjoys pulling on peoples big toes until they come off. People are fascinated by her and someday there will be a degree devoted to the studies of her.