Maiku meaning and definition

Maiku meaning

Short for the 17-letter "Mathematical Haiku"; a haiku that celebrates the beauty and power of math.

Maiku meaning

A short, often nonsensical remark, used as a defense mechanism to sustain the self-absorbed notion that one’s own perception of reality—misguided and uninformed as it may be—is consistently superior to the collective intelligence of the global Internet community.

Maiku meaning

The plural form of haiku poems. Two or more haiku poems grouped together to form a whole piece.

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Mai Kuraki meaning

Extremely attractive Japanese celebrity who grew up in America.

maiky meaning

To be intelligence and graceful. Maiky is often the name of a girl who is strong welled and determine. She is really opinionated but yet have a strong justice and moral perspective. She is the person you will go to for wisdom and advice. Maiky is a strong independence girl. Maiky is a nick name for a girl name Pahoua.

mail meaning

email with incredible lag

Maila meaning

An awsome friend that you HAVE to know fun to talk to shes soooooo great....go bubblez!

Mailable meaning

When regular postal services can be used for delivery purposes.

mailah meaning

Someone who is going to keep it real with you 100% An amazing female to become friends with.

mailaholic meaning

Someone who compulsively checks his mails every few minutes.

mai-lan meaning

a vietnamese name that means flower.

mailandered meaning

to be screwed over by someone who says they love you, but all the while screwing anything that moves.

Mailani meaning

A Hawaiian name meaning "To extol, praise, treat as a chief or great favorite, indulge, spoil, favor."