Mainee meaning and definition

Mainee meaning

Short for Maniac....A person who is crazy, insane, or generally dangerous....Mostly used in the Bay Area....

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maine east meaning

The easiest high school

Maine-Endwell meaning

a school district full of scum bags and jerks that hate on everyone and everything. i feel bad for anyone unfortunate enough to be forced to attend everyday, like me. god, i hate my life.

Maine Garden Gnome meaning

When you shove a garden gnome in your girlfriend's vagina without her knowing, and leave it there. You then proceed to tie her up, and force her to watch the Travelocity commercials with the talking garden gnome until you're done laughing.

Maineglish meaning

The Way We Speak Here In Maine If You Like "KISS MY ASS" I'm a Mainah (Mainer).

Maine Hick meaning

A person from the state of Maine who usually lacks sophistication. Enjoys: hunting, fishing, four-wheeling, snowmobiling, trapping, and Nascar. Uses terms such as "wicked" and "ah-yuh". (Meaning yes or yeah) Hardly ever goes to college, and marries someone from their high school. Favorite things to wear include flannel, Carhart pants, and work boots. (Yes, even women.) Drink beer, preferably Bud. Owns a gun, bought with the excuse of hunting but really used for shooting the neighbor's stray animals. Has stuffed animals hanging from the living room wall. Cannot correctly pronounce the a and r sounds of English. They mix them up.

Mainehole meaning

Somebody who is from Maine and who drives as thoughtlessly and rudely as a Masshole while venturing in another New England state.

Maine Hot Pocket meaning

Cousin of the Alabama hot pocket, when one spreads the girls vagina lips and vomits inside of them, then proceeds to fuck her.

maineiac meaning

A native-born resident of the State of Maine.

Mainekria meaning

The epitome of power. The very height of strength as the bounds of this universe allow, and then some. To all who have ever ventured to improve themselves for the purpose of surpassing someone else, know this: it is Mainekria you strive to become, it is he who looks down upon your valiant but ultimately futile attempts to measure up to his greatness, and it is he who will pass final judgement against you.

Maineland meaning

What we will call Maine when it secedes.