Missinterhear meaning and definition

Missinterhear meaning

Missinterhearing is when someone says something and you don't quite hear what they have said, but instead of asking them to repeat it you respond with what you think you have heard. Old people are known to do this frequently.

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mission meaning

an excursion/field trip taken at an un-announced time, necer during daylight with a purpose know to only those involved with it

missionable meaning

man who is awesome on top

Mission Accomplished meaning

correction---2894 deaths

Mission Accomplished and not in a Bush way meaning

A way of saying something important has actually been accomplished for real, while at the same time mocking former president George W. Bush

Mission and a half meaning

A task so prolonged or difficult, it seems as though you're taking on more than you bargained for. Once completed, you feel so irritated (or relieved, depending on the situation) that you can't help but talk about it to someone.

missionary meaning

a basic sex position where the girl lies on her back and spreads her legs so the male can sit and insert his penis in her vagina.

missionary choke meaning

Your standard sex position but with a awsome kung fu choke grip around your partners neck.

Missionary dater meaning

A missionary dater is one of a religious faith, commonly Christianity, dating a person with differing beliefs (or commonly no beliefs at all), for the purpose of changing that person's beliefs or religion.

Missionary Doll meaning

The type of doll that is so uptight that she must do it laying down...in missionary style. She especially gets upset when certain guys betray her beloved Save-A-Soul Mission by running a crap game in it. Again, she only likes missionary- never up the ass...she doesn't like crap.

Missionary Fags meaning

Person who constantly trys to convert everyone to Christianity.