Monarch_OTS meaning and definition

Monarch_OTS meaning

This ain't no butterfly, however, quite graceful. You can find the Monarch_OTS somewhere in the Caribbean Sea, on the "Party Bus" having a cock-fight or shooting a few tootsoonies and moofoomoofoos in Call of Duty 4. The Monarch's skills have been honed for several years taught by the sling-shot-buddha-guru himself, Zio Vincenzo, dating back to his first headshot... when he nailed the retarded kid in the ear when he was walking with his mom...and the kid got in shit for crying!! ..what a disgraziato!! Weapons of preference: AK-47 w/silencer, Canon SLR Digital Camera w/optical zoom and RPG + Grenade Launcher.

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Monarch Railway meaning

An indirect term, describing the.. female clitoris.

monarchs meaning

- A legend... - A person with an unlimited supply of sex appeal and he rivals the likes of Mang Kanor, James Deen, and Ron Jeremy.- A character who would buy a new car for a free air filter - He is also known for being irresistible to the chinese ladies - Name-droppers used Monarch to extort expensive gift from their partners

Monarch Shuffle meaning

A dance involving two or more people of either gender, swaying motion of the hips, and vertical movement of the couple/group.

monarchs of the mineral era meaning

Queens Of The Stone Age

monarchy meaning

A "monarchy" is a form of government, of which there are 2 types. A "constitutional monarchy" is a government in which the monarch is a figurehead. He or she performs ceremonial functions, such as state visits and ship christenings. There is a parliament and a prime minister. The parliament is responsible for making the laws and the prime minister executes the law. In a "true monarchy," the monarch's word is law because the monarch is the state. The Monarch is the equivalent of the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court all rolled into one.

monarded meaning

This word was made when a friend got so drunk ' he puked and shit himself ' his last name was monardHe or she was so drunk they shit all over the place

Monark meaning

An awesome person on the earth !

monaro meaning

A crappy looking car that looks like it was made in the twenties.

MONARREZ meaning

a very rare last name, if you ever meet someone with this last name, they may be realted to you in some way

monarsenous meaning

A disproportionate number of females to males. Traditionally used in zoological context, it can also apply to various social settings where there is an unbalanced female/male ratio. A monarsenous in humans typically only exists for a short period of time as once males hear of the occurrence, the opposite occurs.