Mudder Fucker meaning and definition

Mudder Fucker meaning

People who won't stop bragging about their involvement in torture races, i.e. Tough Mudder, Spartan Run, etc.

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mudder fudder meaning

It is the kinder way to say mother fucker

Mudder Fudger meaning

(n) a common term for a complete asshole. one who 'fudges mudders'. a not nice guy. typically used in place of mother fucker when young children, sensitive elderly, or your boss (especially when refering to your boss) are present

mudder-fugger meaning

-a person who is incredibly awesome and laughs/smiles uncontrollaby -implictly saying "motherfucker"

mudderfuh meaning

A more appropriate way of saying "motherfocker"

mudder hudder meaning

like a mf but less rude

Muddering meaning

1. The activity or group of activities and/or actions related to training for a Tough Mudder competition.2. The activities and/or actions executed while competing in a Tough Mudder.

Mudder Rudder meaning

A Dutch Rudder wherein the hands of both participants are covered in feces.

muddflapp meaning

"What do you call balls on a fag?" MuddFlapp

Mudd-Flapper meaning

When someone is giving you head and you fart.

muddflaps meaning

Dark enlarged pussy lips. They may vary in size.(sometimes referred to as roast beef).