m3 driver meaning and definition

m3 driver meaning

Someone who loves the smell of their own farts, is inconsiderate on the Interstate, local highways, and even parking lots, and believes themselves to possess superior vehicular control skills, as evidenced by their uncanny ability to back into stationary objects.

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m3g4hurtz meaning

Something frequently "stoeled" by "h4x0rs". refers to hacking into someones computer and stealing their bandwidth/processing power to preform another duty.

m3g4l33t meaning

Megaleet. approximatly 1,048,576 * l33t

m3h meaning

meh / m3h

M3 Lee meaning

A medium tank with a stupid ass design, with no turret, therefore, can't use it like a normal medium tank.

m3n meaning

A highly respected individual with balls of steel that cannot be broken. One who goes against the grain, and ignores all consequences for his actions. A man with no respect for authority, who enjoys putting others down for his personal amusement.

m3n0r p3n0r meaning

'Mean Penis' in L337-speak, also referring to "dickhead"--the insult. Or, engaging the term to another who is a penis-sucking-whore.

m3nk3y meaning

a funny animal, that is a monkey used in the Language: l33t 1337 leet computer language only understood by other computer guys

m3phix meaning

Pronounced 'mef-ics' Derrivative of 'my fix'(see leet). This refers to a person's drug of choice. In context the drugs refered to are usually halucinagins used by a certain sub culture of people known as ravers. The word is also popular among LANers and other persons who are frequently online.

M3RK meaning

Being Young Based God like Logan "YBG" "LROD" Rodkey

m3rkmus1c meaning

a black dildo eater with a shuttlecock