Maaz meaning and definition

Maaz meaning

Maaz comes from the word "Maaza" in urdu/ hindi, meaning "enjoyment". A Maaz will give you great pleasure if you are on his good side. Say these words as often as you can to a Maaz: I love you, Maaz. Make sure you mean it when you do. A Maaz can never be lied to, nor can he be decieved.

Maaz meaning

a happy person who is always smiling and never runs out of energy

Maaz meaning

Refers to something crazy or something sick.

Maaz meaning

A deceitful boy, who think he's hard going against his religion by drinking and smoking weed. He is obsessive, arrogant, gloating, untrustworthy, disrespectful and down right vile to his parents. He thinks he can get his way if he gets someone drunk enough. He has an inability to understand the word "NO". He knows nothing of real life.He is delusional. Avoid him at all costs.

Maaz meaning

when one wears tight pants to the point where it is not possible to remain a manAlso see Sobee Homosexual and spandex

Maaz meaning

maaz is maraathi word, meaning "arrogance". Typically used as a slang. Most oftenly people having name "Charu" somewhere in their name possess this quality to extreme amount. the only solution to defend yourself from maaz is to use a weapon called "haaD".

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Maaza meaning

The best drink in the world while being high, especially tropical.

maazz meaning

slang for amazing, used like amazing, baller, and other words of the such.

MAB meaning

An abbreviation of the word maybe

mab3oos meaning

Arabic for pissed, irritated, roiled In Arabic: مبعوص

ma bad meaning

The gangsta pronounciation of "My Bad". Mad bad means exactly the same thing as My Bad

mabaddude meaning

what "bros" in newman towers say while under the influence of drugs to apologize for their lack of self control.

Mabalaba meaning

a word used to cheer up some ones day or also used as wow

ma balls meaning

Taken from "South park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut". When Mr. Harrison asks Cartman to do something in class he replies:

Mabanger meaning

Derived from a consolidation of the words "I'm going to bang her".

Mabank meaning

An extremely small town, about 60 miles southeast of Dallas. Where the coolest thing to do is go and hang out at Walmart. This is a town where it is perfectly acceptable to chew tobacco in school, and tuck your jeans into your boots.