machinaccino meaning and definition

machinaccino meaning

A frothy tasteless beverage spewed out by "coffee" machines in garages, service stations or convenience stores in the absence of real coffee, usually after midnight.

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Machinae Supremacy meaning

A kickass Swedish alternative rock group with a video game feel to their songs.

Machinaphile meaning

Noun- A (sexual) lover of machinery.

Machinaphilia meaning

Sexual attraction towards robots or other kinds of machines with artifical intelligence

machinarrhea meaning

The brown, chunky, sludge that oozes and squirts out of the nacho chili machine at convenience stores.

Machination meaning

Part of the description of how Patrick Star's mind works

Machindouche meaning

A word used to describe users of Apple products that find them selves superior to other becuase they own these products. These individuals are often found at starbucks pretending to do work, and acting extremely smug.

Machine meaning

If you call someone a machine it means that they are really good at something or are extreamly fast or skilled in a particular sport.

Machine Beast meaning

Somebody who is way awesomer than a Beast

machine bum meaning

Usually associated with consuming large quantities of semi-undigestables, such as corn or peanuts. The effect is a rapid-fire rectal discharge of the consumed food(s); often accompanied by diarrhea, accentuating the percieved effect.

machinecat meaning

A cat being used to make a machine gun sound in "meow" form. Previously shown on Web soup.