macked meaning and definition

macked meaning

to have made out with someone.

macked meaning

To get fucked up beyond all belief; to take multiple jaeger bombs followed by a few beer fights and make out with some chick behind a dumpster.

macked meaning

When you order something from a restaurant and you think that it is going to be awesomely big and delicious, but it turns out to be tiny/pathetic.

macked meaning

When a Mac computer gets hacked.

macked meaning

To root someone/having sex with someone.Doesn't refer to kissing.

macked meaning

when you find one of your shoes stuffed into the other shoe.

macked meaning

to get owned, hit, etc.

Read also:

Macked Out meaning

drinking to the point of not being able to remember your actions, but still putting down game and waking up next to a fine piece of ass.

mackee meaning

Wonderful cook ,very entertaining,handsome,always curious.

mackee-itis meaning

the uncontrollable urge to wear short shorts year round

MacKeenigits meaning

a degree to which one may strike - or recieve one such strike - to any part of the body,(or any object of humor for that matter) typically the male genitalia.

Mackeesha meaning

A kind-hearted person who will never allow friends/family to get hurt. One of the strongest people you can meet, and has probably gone through more hard times than you can count. No matter what, trustworthy, and will never be able to be insulted without shooting back a witty insult herself.

Mackel meaning

a handsome, attractive man with a mysterious background. a mackel male will usually like Star Wars at one stage

mackela meaning

A big annoying bitch. Who cries to get noticed by someone, but everyone hates her. She even tries to hurt herself and others. She thinks she can sing but ends up sounding like a whale.

mackelaus meaning

A cold blooded killing machine with no remorse.

Mackelineum meaning

Mellenium for macks

Mackelle meaning

A mackelle is a beautiful ginger that can be a little blonde at times. She's funny and random and annoying only on purpose. All the boys go crazy for mackell. If you see her on the street she's most likely wearing flannel that she special ordered because of her pettit figure.