maddat meaning and definition

maddat meaning

having fun in your life; living free and talk.

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maddaus meaning

Pronounced: muh-douwse An exclamation of victory used after completely destroying an opponent.Especially used after a goal is scored by shooting between a goalie's legs.

maddavato meaning

To refer to the intensely delciosness of the Madden twins Joel and Benjior to just describe someone as being as crazy hott as the two.

mad dave meaning

term used to descibe chodeish charcter. also anyone who drinks lava lamp. also may answer to monikers of 'crazy john', 'random dude' and 'insane steve' not to be confused with the lesser spotted wild beckmaster - mad dave's mate

mad dawg meaning

A hypocritical Boss on The Mafia Boss who claims to not be gay. It's all a sham though, see-through just like his lace panties.

madd awk meaning

aka extremely awkward. use when expressing feeling of total awkwardness.

Maddax meaning

better than everyone n every way

mad DB meaning

damn beautiful

madd brick meaning

when it's extremely cold out; bitter, icy, cutting weather. as though you walked into a brick wall of cold.ebonics & urban slang, popular in Brooklyn, NYC.

MadD chill meaning

phat kewl awesome etc...

Madd Cutty meaning

Lots of vagina.