mert qunem meaning and definition

mert qunem meaning

Armenian definition for fuck your mother Also used while angry

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Mertsi meaning

Mertsi means someone who is sneaky, disloyal and immoral. Also this person don't care about other peoples feelings. Most likely Mertsi will use everybody around him.

mertsu meaning

In Finnish; A slightly engorged penis, useless for most sexual acts.

Mertums meaning

A man stripper. Makes money by workin' the pole. Name is usually Riley or starts with an 'R'.Mr. Riley The Man Stripper

Mertvyy meaning

Russian for dead

merty meaning

Someone with a tiny penis that hasn't been laid in approximately 2 years. Merty's are bitches and still live with their parents. They suffer from premature ejaculation and go soft the second they stick it in (the main reason its been 2 years). Mertys have no friends, just acquaintances that feel bad for him so they allow him to hang out for a while.

mertz meaning

Verb. To overlook. To underestimate. Comes from Ethal Mertz on "I Love Lucy"- a show from the 50s. She was the neighbor who always got overshadowed by Lucille Ball as Lucy. She endured years of struggle, fighting for more recognition and more $$ for her role.

mertzify meaning

mertzify (v) to take a small amount of information and to transform it into a an impressive mertz - to vastly improve something, an idea, a concept, a thought and make it drastically better.

mertzing meaning

Inspired by Fred Mertz on "I Love Lucy," the term "mertzing" refers to the act of wearing one's pants with the waistband pulled up unnaturally high.

mertzle meaning

if you are a mertzle you are now not considered a male or female but a skank box if your last name is mertzle you have a disease and probably eat a shit ton of cock from your wife

MERU meaning

An expression conveying nonchalance, indifference or despair.Japanese transliteration of mer