Misogynerd meaning and definition

Misogynerd meaning

Misogynistic nerd, often a dropout. They make people of their race/sexuality/... seem misogynistic in general, but are the fecal minority

Misogynerd meaning

A misogynistic nerd, generally a gamer.

Misogynerd meaning

A virginal ubernerd who lacks the social skills to make people like him or bed women; he ventures into the practices of "pick-up arts", bodybuilding, wearing a fedora (commonly known as "peacocking") and randomly insulting women and manginas from his keyboard in a fruitless attempt to woo the opposite sex and become more popular with people in general. His epic and lulzy fails at social approval keep him forever embroiled in a tragic and Promethean cycle of loserdom and isolation. His sexuality in question, this pathetic and ostracized creature shall evolve greater levels of SRS BSNS until he finally devotes 100% of his internet time to raging against Feminists.

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misogynet meaning

The corner of the Internet specifically concerned with hating women.

Misogynette meaning

A self-described feminist whose attitude and demeanor toward other woman suggest that she actually hates women. An ironic compound of misogynist and suffragette.

Misogynist meaning

A man who thinks women are rational, intelligent human beings and expects them to act that way.

misogynista meaning

A man who is so afraid of women that he actively dismisses their ideas, thoughts, goals, accomplishments and status of equality.

misogynistdom meaning

state of being a misogynist (a person who dislikes women)

misogynistette meaning

A woman who hates women and seeks to disassociate her self from her cruel and deceitful gender. This is a stance created and upheld by women from or in all girl schools. Misogynistettes usaly still act like women dispite their veiws, and agree with you that they are crap and hipocritical when you point this out to them.

Misogynistic meaning

The characteristic of someone being a women hater. Pretty much then they think of all women as the same in a negative way. EX:Girls cant be drummers. They suck and have no rhythm.

misogynist prick meaning

What a person who whinges about being withheld sex from women might be called.

misogynoir meaning

When a black woman isn't pretty enough to get a boyfriend, and she feels oppressed.

misogyny meaning

A word that feminists use to make men sound like assholes