mitzi buzz meaning and definition

mitzi buzz meaning

A hyper state of mind

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Mitzie meaning

The look you get when you pause while speaking to mentally search for the next word. Another person gives you the impatient and frustrated stupid (mitzie) look while shrugging their shoulders and bulging their eyes while cocking their head to one side.

mitzil meaning

1. a derivative of the term MICHELLE which means flirtatious and having astounding sex appeal by nature. Attention whore. Gregarious and very social. 2. a knack of doing nothing but can still look fabulous.

mitzing meaning

To do nothing, to be bored. Or used to associate ones bordem at an event or social gathering. Also can be used as slang for fooling around.

Mitzja meaning

A Cute crazy smapping kind of girl

Mitztake meaning

A mistake caused by stupidity or ignorance, rather than by accident. Usually occurs when the person has full knowledge that the action taken is a mistake.

mitzu meaning

short for car, sumo wrestler, hot girl in octillo,

mitzutie meaning

Mitzutie is the highest praise possible when complimenting someone's appearance and personality. It means really, really, really, kawaii (a.k.a cute). tsundere weeaboos usually use the term.

Mitzvah meaning

(v)-to forcibly induce celebration on another (v)-mit-tah-zah-fah: to throw people up in the air on a chair. not to be confused with extreme duck duck goose, where the person would be tied to the chair and the people, running with the chair on their shoulders towards a bubbling couldron, would be yelling, "stew pot stew pot...!"

Mitzvah Blanket meaning

1.The blanket used during sexual intercourse by religious jews which has a cut out for the male genitalia as to minimize the physical contact between the husband and the wife while still having babies

MitzvahPalooza meaning

Extravagant and lavish coming-of-age party for jewish teens. On November 2005, exemplified by a NY Long Island multi-millionaire who threw a plushy bat mitzvah party for his daughter by hiring celebrity artists costing millions of dollars in talent fees alone and giving away souvenir kiddy bags consisting of digital cameras & new video ipods worth $1000/each.