MLG Meme meaning and definition

MLG Meme meaning

A subgenre of memes mainly for Call of Duty fans/ X-Bros and dubstep fans that started in late 2014. Since then they have spread memes from awesome people who know logic to people who do gaming daily. These have been hurting Chuck Norris and his pets Doge, Nyan Cat and Grumpy Cat's popularity and CHUCK NORRIS WILL RISE AND DESTROY ACTIVISION (The creator of CoD)

MLG Meme meaning

a subgenre of Internet memes mostly surrounding FPS games, airhorns, weed, dubstep, Mountain Dew and other old dank memes. An "MLG player" eats Doritos and drinks Mountain Dew while staying up all night listening to dubstep and playing CS:GO, COD and Pokemon.

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mlg montage meaning

An MLG Montage is a mix of random shit, illuminati, doritos, MTD, Sanic, A LOT OF COD HITMARKS!, Airhorns, Snoop dog, 420, Swag, Noscopez, XxXxX, Etc.The video's of this shit is most commonly a parody of a game, movie or song.

mlg noob meaning

A noob who's 2x better than a pro only 10x worse Than a MLG pro and 30% better Than a hacker and admin

MLG pizza meaning

First you spin it 720 degrees Pour mountain dew and doritos on it Cook it Serve and rek

MLG Poser Wannabes meaning

People who think they are "pro" at a certain game. Usually Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War. Their gamertags are so retarted and Use UppEr CaSe and LoWer CaSe like ThiS, Use of more leterssss, two ii's, z's, x's, o's, v's etc. They also have a bio that consists of foreign characters that you have to squint your eyes to read that shit. They talk alot of smack and usually mod. Most of them aren't even that good. They promote how "GB" they are and promote their lame youtube channel. They buy Gamerpics such as, Konsole Kings, and MLG Picture Packs. They use vocabulary such as "BK Randy, Scrub, Get Slapped, Get Smacked, etc." They are very easy to find in call of duty game modes such as "Search and Destroy, Demolition, Ground War, and Domination." Their Gamertags would look like: iToo SiiCK, iiTz DropShoTzz, o Examplezz o, Communticationzzz, GeT o SLaPPeD, etc. They range from 13 year olds to 30+ who need to get a job.

MLG Pro meaning

Defining one's status or level at a game. MLG stands for Major Leauge Gaming, so it is a compliment. It is saying the person is really good at the game, or had a really cool moment.

MLG Reload meaning

In Halo 3 (or another Halo), once you have switched to bumper jumper, like a true MLG and have played on default for such a long time, when a person has a mauler or shotgun and you shoot and then beat down to get a kill, one would just shoot and MLG reload in their face because the buttons have been swapped.

MLGscopes meaning

The act of "quickscoping" in Call of Duty, it gets it's name from all the tryhards you can find on this game.

Mlgstreamers meaning

A place full of giant faggots that are worse than 4chan and hate me for some reason.

MLG Swag Lord meaning

A person who is amazing at being no-scoped by scrubs. Normaly a male, this person uses terms like, "MLG" or "Smoke weed every day"

MLG Tom meaning

When one gets so exited he or she jumps and clicks their heels together, about a lie that was started by them to make them seem popular, when it is in fact a feeble attempt because of all the evidence that proves it is a lie. And in spite of all of this evidence, they continue to stand by their lie.