Mon Amour meaning and definition

Mon Amour meaning

Traditionally meaning 'My love' in french, but also used as an uncommon but special nickname for that one special guy whom you imagine spending the rest of your life with.

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Monampdextrous meaning

The ability to clap one hand. Derived from the words mono, amplitude, and ambidextrous.

Monamy meaning

A mythical archmage that mastered the art of Alchemy plus Arcane Magic... the 'mythical' part is true, by the way.

Monanniversary meaning

The addition of one month to someone's relationship.

Monantha meaning

Generic name for someone with a hairy vag.

Monapa-Dopalis-Ganora-Phisoricis meaning

Moe-Nop-Uh-Dop-uh-Liss Guh-Nore-uh-fi-sore-uh-c's Derogotory Word For Yourself While Going Insane.

monapplely meaning

A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. By definition, a monapplely is characterized by an absence of competition - which often results in high prices and/or inferior products.

Mona Quisa meaning

synonym for crazy

Monar meaning

Dumb asses who are trying to use the word "Lunar" as in a Lunar eclipse, but instead they say "Monar".

MonarC meaning

Annoying wannabe teenie who needs to be put into a straight jacket and sent to nearest mental hospital.

MONARCA meaning

The last name given to Sicilian scum !