moral standards meaning and definition

moral standards meaning

Standards of behavior and association based upon one's moral values.

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moral support meaning

When a person asks for moral support, they mean on a picture or status they have uploaded on social media. This is your cue to go like it (if you like them that is)

Moral Supremacist meaning

Noun1. An ethnocentric person who sees their person morals and/or a group's morals that he/she identifies with as superior to any other groups morals. So Superior that they support ethnocentric policies promote their morals at the expense of everyone else's moral views. Moral Supremacist reject cultural pluralism and are eager to engage in cultural warfare in the public political arena to quash any form of dissent against their social agenda.

moral turpentine meaning

1.All purpose sin remover2.Prayer

moral values meaning

n. One's personal definition of and resolve to practice the proper behavior to exhibit, both in public and private. This may be determined by one's religion, philosophy, carnal desires, or lack thereof.

moral victory meaning

A victory that occurs when a person, team, or army loses a confrontation yet achieves some other moral gain. This gain might be unrelated to the battle in question; however, the gain is often considerably less than what would have been accomplished if the main battle had been won; otherwise, the result would be characterized as either a "wash" or a proper victory.

moral virginity meaning

Not doing anything bad relating to school. You lose it when you get detention, suspension, or anything bad in school.Common ways to lose your moral virginity Detention Suspension Pulling a fire alarm as a joke Failing a class Flipping off the teacher Ditching school Getting sent to the principal's office for misbehaving

MoralVirus meaning

A sad, pathetic, 26 year old who has no job, lives with his parents, and cries over the internet during most of his time.

moralysis meaning

when unnecessary or outdated morals (often religious) prevent growth or forward movement from happening.

moramore meaning

its a mix from English 'more' and Italian 'amore' - which means love (in case you don't know).

moran meaning

The last name Moran derives from a variety of Irish surnames. Many people tend to relate the pronouncement of the name to sound like the word,"moron." A common misconception...well, sometimes.Ironically in retrospect, the name has been translated most as meaning,"Descendant of the Great One."