morbid mafia meaning and definition

morbid mafia meaning

Horror rap band, coming from Colchester in the United Kingdom. They consist of Killa Kamm and Don Giovanni. They both come from two different backgrounds with Kamm being mexican and Giovanni being italian. The recently recorded the album Rap(e) on their self labeled "Autopsy Records" company built out the basement of Gio's house.

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morbid mike meaning

a cool ass guy whose real name is mike rosenbloom and he goes to srchs.he loves ribs and his freinds a f*cking awesome.

Morbid Obesity meaning

when a person is so overweight that their life is endangered. when celulite is eating away at the muscle tissue and turning it into a jelly like substance forming the look of lumpy gravy under the skin.

Morbidosity meaning

Curiosity about all things morbid.

Morbid Punk meaning

pop-style punk that talks about death, and cutting off appendages.

morbid rock meaning

A genre of music that is often found to be hard to describe. Morbid rock generaly means hard rock music with with dark/morbid lyrics. Black metal and Heavy metal are often considered to be in the morbid rock genre. Many songs with tragic/morbid lyrics, from techno to general rock, are often gave the title of "morbid rock".

morbid shadow meaning

See Morbid_Shadow, Fucking Loser, Beer Slut, or White trash cocksucker with more issues than National Geographic. Also knwon as Feltching White Trash Try-sexual.

Morbid Surgeon meaning

a really cool Death Metal band from Vancouver Canada.

morbid validity meaning

something horrible or morbid in the written word, on film, or in an image, that explains itself in a way you can understand and/or appreciate. creating something horrible or morbid that is not simply to shock, scare, or disgust people.

Morbie meaning

a short girl with very large breasts and lots of tattoos. Professional piercer and keeper of teh Taco of Doom™ small enough to fit in a cupboard, but too big for a bread box often seen in various states of undress with some sort of alcholic beverage in hand is frequently single likes cheese can be wooed with the offer of finlandia vodka, and latex clothing

Morbiferous meaning

it usually means a slag or hooker