musicinjection meaning and definition

musicinjection meaning

a hip hop website where 82% of its viewership and 100% of their staff consist of caucasians. it was formed known as "musicniggas"(MN) but the NAACP forced them to change the name. MI is mainly a place for people who get kicked off of other hiphop sites. The admins constantly try to copy other sites in order to make theirs attractive to these fucking losers. In fact, MI is also known as the "millivanilli"(MV) of hip hop websites, because nothing they do is original

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Musicism meaning

n. Discrimination against a person or a genre based on one's unfavorable taste towards that genre of music.

Music is my life meaning

A phrase what people uses if music is their passion, something that they love to learn with a guitar, drums, bass, ect. Unfortunately, posers these days uses this to be cool and try to be like everybody else, when they don't even consider picking up an instrument.

musicist meaning

rac·ism Pronunciation Key (mus-ic'ist) adj. 1. Based on musical intolerance.

musicititians meaning

(music-it-ishions) musicians, but hey, who the HELL says that? musicititians is just a far more AWESOME WORD!

musicity meaning

Your knowledge and experience in and of music; the level of your musical skill

Music Juice meaning

A liquid (saliva) that comes out of an instrument such as a saxophone trumpet and such due to blowing in it. A more politer/less disgusting way to say saliva came from an musical instrument.(This term was first said by my music teacher)

music junkie meaning

a person who explores the many different genres of music.People that are constantly listening,downloading,and researching new bands. Someone who has their ipod headphones on 24/7 with the volume cranked to the max.

musick meaning

musick! the one genre that is truely sick in musicemo/metal/heavy metal

musickarma meaning

Not unlike is what it is. Not good, not bad - but directly related to music. It's what you make it. Act an ass, play a fool, get burned - bad karma. Help the ass, teach(not preach) the fool, pat self on back...repeat - good karma. Simple.

Music Laundering meaning

v: To download music from an illegal source (usually bittorrent) and whitewash it by performing an iTunes Match in the iCloud.