Naae meaning and definition

Naae meaning

Naae , A Very Pretty Girls , Also Freaky , If She Tells SomeOne She Loves Them She Means It . & She Loves To Fight .

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naael meaning

Dumbass white washed nigga ...tries hard to be funny but a rly good friend

naaf meaning

To carry oneself in an antithetic, scarf-wearing, somewhat disenchanted manner.

NAAFA meaning

An organization of extremely obese and mildly retarded fat people who believe that the world should be fat. They believe in being able to sit on you in airplanes, movie theatres, and think that you should have to pay lots of extra money so they can continue to eat everything they see.

naafay meaning

1. Naafay An incredibly stupid and spoiled individual. Usually thinks they have swag

naafi meaning

Comes from the british Navy, Army, Air Force, Institutes. Their equivalent of an american post-exchange. Also means No Ambition And Fuckall Interest

NAAFP meaning

The National Associating for the Advancement of Fat People, created and popularized by Peter Griffin on the hit television series, Family Guy.

naah meaning

a south-eastern english way of saying no

Naah mate meaning

Lazy Word Of Saying No

naai meaning

Strong Afrikaans insult word.

naaier meaning

a person who can be seen as a 'fucker' literal translation is 'fucker'