Nakas meaning and definition

Nakas meaning

Short term for the Japanese word, "Nakama". Nakama means friends or comrades.

Nakas meaning

Aussie slang for Testicles.

Nakas meaning

The accual meaning of naka is fire (naka is japanese for fire)

Nakas meaning

slang for nigger Justin Samples

Nakas meaning

Asian form of the word nigger; a racist expression against asians.

Nakas meaning

its liek being dumb ir retared

Read also:

nakata meaning

Possibly the best Pilot in the whole of the Tribes 2 World. Can outrun any shrike, can evade any attack whilst in the air, Nakata has the ability to bomb any base without using too much effort!

Nakatamo meaning

A exemplar of sensible philosophy, coined after famed philosopher and organizational psychologist John Nakatamo.

Nakatana meaning

A katana or samurai sword wielded by a ferocious individual named Naka. Naka can easily cut through the Iron Man and Optimus Prime stacked on top of each other whilst wielding the Nakatana. If he is not wielding the Nakatana then punch him in the head for attempting such sacriledge.

Nakatina meaning

A Golden Retriever; A word heavily affiliated with San Diego.

nakation meaning

v. to take a clothing optional vacation, esp. away from home for pleasure and recreation. n. the part of your vacation you’ll brag to friends about. (rhymes with vacation) Na*ka*tion nude nudist nudism naturist naturism clothing optional naked vacation travel trip mancation

nakative meaning

Being negative about how you look when you're naked. Like if you're a fat girl and you look at yourself in the mirror and you don't like what you see, or maybe you're a skinny girl and you still don't think you're skinny enough, or maybe you're a really skinny guy and you want to have more muscles, or maybe you're a fat guy and you want to lose some weight.

Nakatory status meaning

The point in a friendship when your perfectly happy and confident being completely naked around each other without fear of rejection. Let your hairy tacos out of their cages twats.

Nak Attack meaning

While receiving head head from a girl, the girl forces her pinky finger in your ass.

nakatto meaning

Nakatto means very smart ,intelegent,beautiful but is heart broken easily, shy, sensitive. This girl uses attitude to protect herself from being hurt

Nakaya meaning

a nakaya generally likes to get down and dirty. its not afraid to go after what it wants. Its always down for whatever.