nabbage meaning and definition

nabbage meaning

Used when stealing something to make the stolen object your property, the victim cannot do anything except do the same back. see yoink

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Nabbe meaning

The Norwegian Bad-Ass. Loves wrestling and b-movies. And probably small boys.

nabbed meaning

To take an object that you are mostly sure is no one's property. Not quite stealing but pretty close.

nabbefeld meaning

latin teacher obsessed with asians and men with long hair. She likes to talk about fertility

Nabben meaning

The type of guy that will be brutally honest with you, and is extremely hard-headed. He's not afraid to tell you the truth, even if it upsets you. He will encourage you to takes risks and raise your stakes as often as possible, and will be right there supporting you the whole way through. He often gives off a very angry vibe, but really he's one of the most sensitive guys you'll meet.

nabberflabbergastum meaning

NOUN-- the state of being stupid or in shock and stupid-looking

nabberflabbergastumitus meaning

the disease of being stupid or stupid looking

nabbers meaning

someone who partakes in a butsex congaline

Nabbin meaning

a sex god. he is dorky and hilarious. he will always make sexual jokes. Nabbins are all around great friends that know how to cheer you up. they sing like an angle.

Nabbing meaning

To steal, or to grab, something from someone and they can't do anything about it.

nabbington meaning

a pair people that are opposites but compliment each other well. usually brings together brutal, seemingly "harsh" honesty with sensitive feedback and uplifting.