nagrivator meaning and definition

nagrivator meaning

Similar to "nagrivate", but is what your significant other does while sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

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nagro meaning

porh monkey

Nagrodite meaning

Noun. The African American god of love and beauty. It was once told by the Nagrolyte's of a time long past a tale of a beautiful ebony woman. Her beauty was so overtaking and empowering that the African American men of Harlem upon a mere glance of Nagrodite's silky sensual skin would immediately try to have sexual intercourse with Nagrodite and any one else in the nearby vicinity. Upon realizing that nobody could ever have their way with Nagrodite, all of the African Americans who laid eyes on that beautiful skin were tainted by a viscous disease. The disease dictated that its inhabitant must have violent anal sex with his/her partner until they ejaculate their own testicles into their partners rectum. Some unlucky carriers of the disease did not have a partner close by, or at all for that matter. In this case these men would excessively masturbate on innocent bystanders until they completely ripped their penises off. After this activity, the body would somehow find its way home and curl up in bed waiting to be retrieved by authorities. Females who found Nagrodite attractive were often found skewered, hanging by their vagina's in a nearby tree worthy of supporting their weight. Some believe this was because the amount of sexual stimulation induced by girl on girl action caused the victims to go into an out of control sexual hysteria leading them to have coitus with the hardest key that would fit the lock.

nagroid meaning

someone who is or does something incredibely stupid

Nagrolyte meaning

Is an Acolyte which studies the social and cultural characteristics of prehistoric Nagro tribes. A Nagrolyte would be involved in performing and preserving ancient Nagro rituals from all faucets of their existence. Many different branches of the field are still in practice today. Some branches include prehistoric migration patterns corresponding directly with mass mating habits, Pre-homo hibilis evolution, Serengeti Socioeconomic patterns, and Nagros vs Negros: Who has the dice game biattttchhh?!!!See also: Acolyte, Nagro, Homo hibilis, Evoution, KFC, Grape cool-aid, Barter system, Holy !@#$ that's a lion!, super-dark skinnned negros are dangerous, Be my nigga not a my nigger, Cult like activity, Charles Manson.

Nagromancy meaning

The act of raising black people for welfare money.

nagrow meaning

one whom like to eats many black pee pees

nagrums meaning

a funny word for niggers, like nigger, but its not quite as offensive

nagrunda meaning

Medical term for the wall of tissue separating the female vagina and anal opening. Similar to the male taint or gooch which are external areas, thus the nagrunda differs being internal.

nagrurun meaning

simulating, calculating.... (rawr =3)

nagry meaning

nagry is worse than angry because its hardcore!!! no smiling