nakama meaning and definition

nakama meaning

The Japanese term for friend(s), buddy(ies), crew, ally(/ies) comrade(s), or gang. In the Japanese version of the anime One Piece, this term has a deeper meaning, describing friends who are more like family, especially in the context of Luffy's crew. Because of this, many popular fansubs of it do not translate this term.

nakama meaning

Nakama is the Japanese word for a very good friend. Calling someone your nakama is like telling someone you love them in a non-romantic way.This is often used in anime, such as One Piece or Bleach, to show deep attachment between characters and thus mostly left untranslated in fansubs.

nakama meaning

"Nakama" (仲間?) is a Japanese word that directly translates to friend, comrades, and under some context, such as in the manga 'One Piece', crewmates.Most fans of the series believes the word means "people who are considered closer than family", though that is not a part of the official dictionary definition of the word

nakama meaning

Nakama means best friend, or something to that extent.

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Nakamichi meaning

A legendary Japanese audio company best known for their excellent cassette tape decks. Nakamichi was founded in 1948. Following a tough decade in the 90's, Nakamichi declared bankruptcy and was sold to Grande Holdings Ltd. Nakamichi re-emerged and now produces a line of 'lifestyle' intergrated stereos (like Bang & Olfsun and the Denon Mission systems).

nakanat meaning

annoying being who talks aimlessly about meaningless things. Anyone whom you want to just say (shut the fuck up)

Nakanawa meaning

The most amazing camp in the world, with two teams; the Amazons and the Valkyries. You make friendships FOR LIFE there. I LOVE CAMP NAKANAWA!!!!!!!

Nakaoka meaning

A Japanese surname meaning awesome.

Nakas meaning

slang for nigger Justin Samples

nakata meaning

Possibly the best Pilot in the whole of the Tribes 2 World. Can outrun any shrike, can evade any attack whilst in the air, Nakata has the ability to bomb any base without using too much effort!

Nakatamo meaning

A exemplar of sensible philosophy, coined after famed philosopher and organizational psychologist John Nakatamo.

Nakatana meaning

A katana or samurai sword wielded by a ferocious individual named Naka. Naka can easily cut through the Iron Man and Optimus Prime stacked on top of each other whilst wielding the Nakatana. If he is not wielding the Nakatana then punch him in the head for attempting such sacriledge.

Nakatina meaning

A Golden Retriever; A word heavily affiliated with San Diego.

nakation meaning

v. to take a clothing optional vacation, esp. away from home for pleasure and recreation. n. the part of your vacation you’ll brag to friends about. (rhymes with vacation) Na*ka*tion nude nudist nudism naturist naturism clothing optional naked vacation travel trip mancation