natural selection meaning and definition

natural selection meaning

religions worst nightmare

natural selection meaning

1. the main process behind evolution, as stated by Charles Darwin. Also known as survival of the fittest, meaning those with superior traits are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation. This is how life on Earth has progressed for millions of years, driven by instincts encoded into the DNA of all living things. But sadly, as a result of several factors, including exponential intelligence, irrational emotions, etc, the species Homo sapiens is slowing down in terms of evolution. Due to the successful creation of societies and advancements in the sciences of medicine, humans have become exempt from the laws of natural selection, leading to degeneration within the species. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A RACIST OPINION IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. THIS IS NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH CRAP LIKE SOCIAL DARWINISM OR BULLSHIT LIKE THAT. The point is, civilization has brought physical evolution of humanity to a halt. Medical and genealogical studies have revealed that those living in less industrialized or progressed regions or eras, differences in hygiene and anatomical knowledge aside, were more healthy and adaptable than people living in high-level civilizations. Or something like that. Anyways, that's my opinion. Natural Selection doesn't apply to humans as long as humans stay indoors. Due to lapses in judgment, the "Unnatural Selection" that we have imposed on ourselves will bring doom to our species. Have a nice day!

natural selection meaning

SOCIAL DARWINISM; SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. spieces that adapt the best to their environment survive, while ones that don't adapt are eliminated. (the name of the mod for half-life derived from this term, marines and aliens battling for racial supremacy)

natural selection meaning

A user made mod by Flayra for half life, who set up his own company with the reputation he gained from it Involves two teams, the Kharaa (alien) and the TSA (Marines) Who battle it out on base building, or combat maps. They gain upgrades and become more powerful Has a large fan based community with many user made levels.

natural selection meaning

A term for Darwin's theory, which is a nice way of saying, "that fucktard was too stupid to live anyway. At least he's out of the gene-pool now."

natural selection meaning

A mod to Half-life that is similar to Starcraft, and Aliens combined into a FPS with RTS included. Teamplay with aliens vs marines.

natural selection meaning

The second best Half-Life modification.

Read also:

Natural Self Selection meaning

When members of a large cult or religious group commit mass suicide. When people whom the world, and the gene pool could really do without, decide to take their own lives in mass quantity.

naturalsexual meaning

Only interested in sex when in nature. Unable to copulate within the confines of a municipality.

natural-society meaning

nounthe balance and order of all species in their natural environment or habitat, the natural order of things.

natural spread meaning

the way a pair of ass checks spread open to expose the asshole without any assistance.

natural spring meaning

another word for a penis or vagina

natural spring bomb meaning

Dropping a shot of 160 proof Devil Springs vodka into a pint glass of Natural Ice beer. Good start to any night of drinking.

Natural State of Play meaning

The Natural State of Play is the science of predicting the status of a womans Vagina using key indicators such as the Natural State of - Eyebrow Thickness, Eyebrow Length, Folicle Density, Colour, and other key indicators such as hair density on her arms, and other areas.

natural stoner meaning

someone who looks/acts like a stoner but isn't a stoner

Natural twenty meaning

When rolling a 20-sided die in Dungeons and Dragons and getting a result of twenty on the die (before adding modifiers).

natural user interface meaning

the use of real life objects on a computer or the internet (web) to represent the real life counterpart (biorealism). using a realistic icon, symbol or image as a placeholder for a real life object on a computer or the internet rather than a word.