O- meaning and definition

O- meaning

1. The 15th letter of the English Alphabet. 2. Slang for an "ounce", in reference to drugs. 3. Abbreviation for "orgasm". 4. Abbreviation for "oh". 5. Slang for the work of literature, "Othello", by William Shakespeare, recently cited in the movie "O", a horrible modernization of the Othello story.

O- meaning

an ounce

O- meaning

A scandinavian letter that pwns all you non-scandinavians.

O- meaning

This is the 28th letter of the Norwegian Alphabet. Contrary to popular belief the letter ø is NOT diphthong, however it is another way to write the vowel combination "oe"

O- meaning

The last letter in the Swedish Alphabet.

O- meaning

an ounce

O- meaning

Umlaut. Sounds a bit like the i in "girl".

Read also:

{ó} meaning

ASCII rendition off everyone's favorite female sex organ

o_0 meaning

Emoticon for an intimidating, bug-eyed glare; no blinking.

o0 i o i 00 meaning

A.K.A. o0: Pronounced oh 0h. Training to be The First Maxed Granite Maul/Accumulator Pure In Runescape.

o0nX meaning

The most elite, of the elitest...

o0o meaning

used insted of oooh

o0o0o meaning

A. Solidifies sarcasm B. Expression of shock, surprise, interest, or awe C. Used when there is nothing else to sayNote: Normally used in text communication, but if used verbally the o to 0 indicates a voice inflection.

o0o0o0o0o0o meaning

a sound in which you make whenever somthing gay,sexual, reveling happens for example if your freind bends over with no pants on then its appropriate for it to be sounded

o0oo meaning

Giving someone the finger when you're chatting. The same as oOoo and _-__

o1df meaning

Acronyme for ''Original One Direction Fan''. Used by Directioners - mostly from the UK - who think they knew One Direction before everyone else & think that the other fans are fake ass bitches. Old One Direction Fans and New fans are the same. As long as they love and support the boys, they are true Directioners.

O-1-O meaning

This is the act of blowing your wad between the eyes of a girl during the "money shot". The two "O's" represent the eyes and the "1" represents the sperm trail between them.