PMB meaning and definition

PMB meaning

A girl that is mixed with a lot of nationalities. She more than likely has everything a man could ever want. Short for Pretty Mixed Bitch.

PMB meaning

PMB stands for Private Message Box. PM system is used on many forums. It allows users to send private messages to each other. The PM box or PMB is the place where user's PMs arrive.

PMB meaning

PMB stands for "Pardon My Boner". A term that can be used by both male and female -- just because girls don't have physical boners, doesn't mean they don't have mental boners.

PMB meaning

Play Me Back like play me back in that game of virtual Checkers

PMB meaning

Premenstrual Bitch Syndrome is another definition for PMS.

PMB meaning

Pay My Bills

PMB meaning

Abbreviation for Puking My Breakfast; used to indicate a level of disgust and/or disappointment greater than Shaking My Head (SMH) or Fuck My Life (FML).

Read also:

pmbb meaning

Stands for: Poke My Belly Button. If you poke your belly button, your bum falls off. Used as a less vulgar version of "lmfao."Derives from eccentric grandmothers who use obscure terms.

PMBD meaning

Paysites Must Be Destroyed. A gaming fansite dedicated to bringing down the evil paysites. A good source of completely free custom content for The Sims 2.

PMBM meaning

Having a bad case of the shits in the night time. PM=nightime BM=bowel movements, therefore PMBM=nightime bowel movement.

PMBO meaning

Acronym for "puke my brains out"

PMBWSEMY meaning

is the acronym for: Playing My Bass While Simultaneously E-Mailing You. Used when someone asks what you are doing, and you are either actually playing a bass, or in some circumstances, Masturbating. You could also use PMBWSFYA. PMBYSFYA stand for Playing My Bass While Simultaneously Fragging Your Ass, if you want to tell your opponent how crappy they really are.

PMC meaning

Acronym for Prolapsing My Colon.Used in reference to any activity deemed too personal or private to discuss directly.

PMC50 meaning

The PMC50 is a hand gesture created by making a piece sign with both the left and right hand and then placing the end of your two fingers on the opposite end of the other two. It was was created by Paraic McNamara of Co.Clare in the 2012 and is rapidly spreading to other counties

PMCD meaning

Pre-menstrual Crazy Disorder, usually happens to any female before her period. The symptoms are usually extreme crankiness, random cravings, and overall insanity.

PM Clean meaning

A shift a bagger at Publix occasionlly gets that invloves having to stay all night, cleaning bathrooms, taking out trash, mopping and sweeping. Your basically Publix's bitch all night.

pmdd meaning

PMS with a twist. This is not your everyday PMS. This is a severe form of PMS that can trigger super irritability, anger, manic/depressive states and homicidal feelings. Trust me. I've been there.