Pa-Jaba-Jaaaa meaning and definition

Pa-Jaba-Jaaaa meaning

Way to say it: P uh - Job uh - J uhhhhhhDefinition #1. A war cry or outburstDefinition #2. An alternative way to say: I came

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pajacket meaning

When you are wearing your pajamas and a jacket at the same time.

pajaden meaning

Definition{a nagger or Nuisance something that adgetates you}

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A Spanish term for "bird" or "dick"

Pajagedy Wagedy meaning

A person who dresses nicely on a daily basis, can be a man or a woman.

pajaja meaning

Elbowing someone's boob so that it hurts. Normally done within groups of friends o annoy each other playfully.

Pajama Bottoms meaning

antonym: Pants Synonyms: Pj'sThe bottom half of a "one-z" cut in half. Not to be confused with pants. The way to tell the difference is by looking at the mechanisim holding them up.Typically pants will use zippers and a button of some sortPj bottoms will resort to elastic waist band and pull(tie) string.

Pajama boy meaning

A man with a small penis that wears a wife-beater that is too small and jeans that are too big that keeps the companionship of an older women that is too smart yet too desperate to discern the difference.

pajama brochill meaning

When you've just gotten up, you're in pajamas, and you invite a friend over who happens to still be in pajamas also. Its chill as shit.

pajama butt meaning

the little flap on feety pajamas where you can open it. can be used as an insult for a person who is being an idiot

Pajama Cock meaning

Having morning wood/a boner in pajamas