Pachango meaning and definition

Pachango meaning

Equivalent to vagina (english or spanish version), vag, kooter, poon, coochie, muff, cooch, poontang, pussy, twat, cunt, pink taco, pussay, or anything else relating to the female sex organs.

Pachango meaning

Go Away

Read also:

Pachanka meaning

pachanka means vagina.

Pachapapa meaning

A native word of South American Quechua, it literally means earth-potato. While this phrase holds no practical use on its own, the word does hold value as as an exclaimation which is fun to say and, if timed right, amusing to hear.

pacharaca meaning

Quechua word for pussy

Pachaw meaning

pa/sha/. word to use when you cant come up with a good enough word to describe what you are saying or feeling. An indecision.

Pache meaning

a Passionate, feisty person. a pache is someone who loves to be around people and loves themselves, weather they admit it or not

pachear meaning

could mean a variety of things 1. person who laughs uncontrollably at certain things no one understands 2. a person who is stubborn as hell 3. a mythological being that is said to possess beauty beyond our imagination

pachec meaning

Needing to take a big shit. Can also be used in the place of grunting noises while taking a massive shit. Also used to Mimick the act of taking a big shit.

pacheck meaning

one who eats burittos much to much.

pacheco meaning

To shank (it's a verb) someone in the neck with a sharp object.

Pachecoism meaning

Named after a man who can't seem to get a handle on the English vernacular, when a friend is trying to say one thing, but they jumble their words into a mish-mash of slightly understandable and wtf.