Pafflez meaning and definition

Pafflez meaning

1.) The combination between a Pancake and a Waffle. (a food)2.) Another name for being burned.3.) The founders Nickname.

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paffmaffspaff meaning

what happens when paffy and maffy get in a small secluded place together. or the feeling of paffmaff glee.

pafford meaning

describes the action of a company owner that has found a loop hole allowing the company to pay its employees less than minimum wage.

Paffy meaning

Patrick. Invented paffy scene, enjoys spaff... wants a gangbang on a boat in wales. generally really ghay. has an accomplice called maffy.

paffyscene meaning

the coolest scene of all. a little confused.

Pafligamy meaning

When one donates blood

pafn meaning

A PAFN or P.A.F.N is short for pussy ass fuck niggah!

pafo meaning

A forum full of bitter moms. If you are different then them you are hated. If you stick up for yourself, you are a bitch. If you are young, you are a slut. If you are single, you are a slut. If you are pretty, you are a huge slut. If you are bored, check them out on craigslist forum Some good things to discuss there would be: juice. spanking. immunizations. breast feeding. every link to autism and a.d.d. abortion(which rocks btw) yahoo live. organic food. any business of someone elses that shouldn't be yours. illegal immigrants. circumcision. sahm vs. working preschool vs. daycare. potty training. and, they give great advice about how to handle scary things, like fevers and great youporn links. check them out

PAFOA meaning

Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association, an online Forum for gun owners in Pennsylvania who gather to talk about carry laws, news events, shooting events and things of that nature. There are also classified ads for buying and selling guns/gear/accessories.

pafoofa meaning

1.) Fornication between to animals 2.) Elder

Pafoofnik meaning

Pafoofnik - 1)A proper last name used as a scapegoat, or a wherewithall. (wherewithall is something that can be used for anything) Any first name can be used I.E.; Joe Pafoofnik, Sam Pafoofnik, etc. 2)If you don't want someone to know your identity, become a 'Pafoofnik'.