Paire meaning and definition

Paire meaning

"Paire" is a fan-created word coined to describe the relationship between the two characters Peter Petrelli (uncle) and Claire Bennet (niece) from serial "Heroes". Paire is not canon but fans of Paire don't care about it.

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Paired meaning

Originating from London, and now used in Brum more than anywhere: Paired is another word for sad.

Pair Extensions meaning

An obvious breast augmentation procedure recipient.

pairing meaning

Taken and adapted from Bluetooth pairing (when two Bluetooth enabled devices agree to communicate with one another). In bluetooth, When this happens, the two devices join what is called a trusted pair. When one device recognizes another device in an established trusted pair, each device automatically accepts communication, bypassing the discovery and authentication process that normally happen during Bluetooth interactions. This can however be used when on the town to refer to women you hope to hook up with.

pairing bicycle meaning

A term for when pairing shippers pair a particular character with various other characters.

pairing whore meaning

A character in fan fiction that is/can be/ has been paired up with just about any male and/or female character from the original work. Whether it is out of character (also know as OC) or not.

pairless meaning

A gentleman or person who has no "balls, testicles, or juevos."

pairling meaning

One half or one part/component of a pair.

pairo meaning

A kind soul who is both caring and as sweet as can be . Word to the wise- don't make them angry .

pair of britney meaning

funny way to order two beer

Pair of catchers meaning

A pair of panties, pjs or sweat pants that you put onto catch jizz dripping out of your ass/pussy so you can go to sleep without douching.