Palestinian rap meaning and definition

Palestinian rap meaning

A Palestinian's method of nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation and oppression; a method of expression especially to relay the frustrations of life in the Palestinians' destroyed homeland. Nearly all of it is in the Arabic language, the language of Palestine. Often a unique mix of traditional Arabic and western styles into a new music style entirely its own, and almost always political and a reflection of the tough life under Israeli occupation. Born from the group DAM, begun in 1999, Palestinian rap has grown and spread, allowing the voices of Palestinians to reach the world and destroy barriers barring them from a better life.

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Palestinian rocket meaning

An adjective used to describe the act of missing a target.Can also be substituted in place of jalopy.The term comes from the actual Palestinian rockets used by actual Palestinians which have a reputation to not hit any target of significance and generally cannot be aimed or worked to be a formidable threat.

Palestinian Work Accident meaning

When a terrorist (usually Islamic) is killed or maimed by the bomb they are building.

paletas meaning

Spanish for popsicles. Frozen fruit bars (water or milk base) on a stick. Usually sold by street vendors ala ice cream man.

Paletero Man meaning

Spanish for "the ice cream man" sells cheetos and raspados and chicharones for 1.00 goes around the block all day rings his bell.

pale territory meaning

When you throw flour on their face and then drops your balls on their cheeks and forehead.

palethera meaning

A disease that causes the flu, spanish flu, or kung flu

Palethorpe meaning

Pronunction: Pay-ul-th-or-p; A homosexual man, with hetrosexual tendencies

Pale Thunder meaning

An extremely pale skinned man. Tall and lanky. Frail looking. Possibly anemic. Always making smart-assed comments. Participates in the drama club. Gets way to into gym class. So because of these traits, he has been labelled with a cool nickname that does not match up with his nerdy personality.

Paletic meaning

Extremely drunk, probably derived from paralytic.

Palettarian meaning

An asshole who's dietary restrictions are determined by foods of certain color