Palley meaning and definition

Palley meaning

1.)A family of annoying, spoiled, rich, ugly people that invite themselves to events. 2. )Like a leech they attach themselves to a social group and pretend to be included. 3.) So rediculously conservative it makes one barf 4.) a christian fanatic in a secular society makes them look like a jack ass

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palli meaning

a couple name. the sweetest pair you'll ever meet.

palliate meaning

To extenuate, mitigate, alleviate, lessen, abate, diminish.

Palliative Care meaning

Standard care for dying patients that is now so advanced that clients now rate it 12% as humane as Auschwitz.

palliative hair meaning

Put simply, it's a REALLY bad hair day.

Pallichan meaning

An extremely sexy man who is capable of many things. The ladys all admire him and he has an extremely large penis. Pallichan is one of the greatest things you can be called.

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(n.) a peice of skin used to put testes in

pallid meaning

Uninspiring, a bit off

Pallida meaning

A dirty hoe who uses people to get her way without getting her hands dirty

pallie meaning

A friend, a buddy, a pal. Someone you've known for a while and feel comfortable with. An alternate spelling for 'pally' which, of course, has the same definition. Somewhat commonly used in the 40s, 50s and 60s by the 'cool' people as exemplified by Sinatra's "Rat Pack." dlc

palling out meaning

Being with one's friends and having nothing to worry about except friendship. The best palling out is done sober. If a person that no one likes tries to pal out then it is no longer palling out.