Palpatined meaning and definition

Palpatined meaning

To usurp all authority or power in a situation; to control through manipulation; to punish.Derived from the Star Wars villian.

Read also:

palpatinsexual meaning

When you have a fetish for fucking senators (includes Bernie Sanders)

palpebritis meaning

inflammation of the eyelid.

Palped meaning

To be caused harm, serious injury or death in a fashion resembling the characteristic evil wielded by Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire.

Palphoria meaning

The special euphoric feeling you get when you've successfully connected one of your friends with another one of your friends.

palpitate meaning

to pulsate, quiver or tremble with unusual speed; an effect of a disease or a sudden burst of emotional energy.

palpitations meaning

An expression of extreme anxiety.

palpus meaning

(adj)someone or something that is amazing, a word used when no other word(s) can describe it (n)someone who too epic for words

palpy meaning

the generally unpleasant experience of heart palipitations ((e.g. skipped beats, thready\fast pulse) over an extended period of time.

pal rappy meaning

Stupid Parrots everywhere.

Palringo meaning

Palringo, AKA Pal, is an online message software. You meet friends, send nudes, and even share a laugh once in a while. It is highly addictive and once you join you'll soon be on for hours. Those hours will turn to days and you'll start to lose sleep. Once you're on for days without sleep you start to see things like shrimps. Palringo is even in your dreams.