Punctum meaning and definition

Punctum meaning

A concept from Roland Barthes' book Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography.1. To wound. 2. Denoting the wounding, personally touching detail which establishes a direct relationship with the object or person within it.

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punctum douchebag meaning

A person who makes a grand gesture of deriving pleasure from a small detail which was the not original point of the image, sound, or situation in question.

Punctumoji meaning

Punctuation-emojis such as :), :D or *-*. Basically they are emojis that are made up of punctuation and/or letters.

Puncture meaning

The act of normal vaginal pentration with the male penis. Can also be used as 'puncture her ass'.

Punctured penis pals meaning

When males' testicles or 'penis pals' retract and shrivel as if there were balloons that had met a needle. Sometimes due to cold, but primarily in this case due to fear.The puncturing aspect of the aforementioned gentleman imagining his balls being stabbed with a sharp implement can often lead to a re-retraction.

Puncture Pants meaning

Soft, thin, hipster jogging bottoms worn by triple bases (fit birds)that you could puncture with a dimamond cutter (erection).

Punctus Gallicism meaning

Frog-stration, that is, French prostration. A point made by the bureaucrats in French politics, especially when concerned to knee-jerk Anti-Americanism. It is the more comical since French politicians have a reputation for the shrillness of their voices, which often sounds like that of a castrated cat.

punctuspacion meaning

1. In writing, the act of placing unnecessary spaces in between words, or where spaces would not normally appear; esp. before punctuation in a sentence. 2. The spaces produced in this manner. (Note: In punctuspacion, periods are often used to indicate pauses.)

Punctuwasted meaning

When one is possessed to use unnecessary punctuation at a belligerent rate.

Pun-Cum meaning

That ecstatic feeling after a good, hard, pun.See also: Pun-Cummed Pun-Cumming Pun-Came Pungasm

puncy meaning

much more smaller than tiny