pablo sanchez meaning and definition

pablo sanchez meaning

One of the most popular kids in the Backyard Sports series, Pablo is also one of the best. He is mexican who appears to fluently speak only spanish, but on one of the Backyard Baseball games, using a cheat, he admits that he can speak English fluently as well.

pablo sanchez meaning

Pablo Sanchez is one of the greatest playable characters in the Backyard sports series. He has excellent speed and batting, with good defense. His only flaw is in his pitching.Pablo Sanchez has his own theme music and his own baseball field. He is known for speaking Spanish, but using a cheat, we find that Pablo speaks English fluently, just chooses to speak Spanish during baseball

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pablo sauce meaning

Jizz you put in/on food

Pablo the Ninja meaning

Pablo the ninja is Mexican, has never been seen or heard, Chuck Norris has been known to attempt to run away from Pablo. Pablo is the original ninja, Pablo cannot be beaten. Pablo loves cookies. Pablo is loyal, honest, and always keep a promise. He doesn't hate anyone, and has honor, he doesn't kill unarmed opponents. Pablo is the ultimate ninja. Pablo is a member of the Undead Militia clan.

Pablo Time meaning

Someone that is on their own schedule or has their own agenda going on. Usually having good times with friends and loses track of real time. A slightly elusive person.

pablo uribe meaning

A small little shit, he is very funny and probably be super handsome when he grows up. Right now his breath smells like ass face but if he takes more showers and washes his mouth I will probably be able to look at him without wanting to vomit. He likes pizzas, even though he is not Italian. He is Mexican and also likes tacos, his eyes look a bit like Chinese eyes but not so much. He likes spiderman, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean but most of all he likes Once Upon a Time which makes him a bit of a faggot. He dresses awfully which is why he should ask for fashion advice from his sister Sofia, the best person on earth. He is a dwarf but don't tell that to him because he will probably get so angry massive loads of diarrhoea will explode out of his very pale ass. Still I love Pablo and I think everyone else should too.

Pablowned meaning

owned or dominated by a mexican male.

Pablum meaning

A very, very minor or "baby" problem that usually takes more time to discuss than solve. It is usually over-stated in an annoying way.

Pablum Gear meaning

really soft comfortable clothing

pablumizing meaning

Making something that could be cutting edge policy but having to remove great words and context that would prove to be too complex for most people...... This comes from the key fact that most newspapers write for a literacy level equal to a grade nine student.

pablush meaning

To have a mexican internet connection

pabluto meaning

Giant penis