pabst blue ribbon cutter meaning and definition

pabst blue ribbon cutter meaning

Someone who is the first to do something that is now considered domain of the hipster and frequently copied. Commonly referred to as a trend-setter. A pioneer in cool who didn't intend to be cool.

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pabst blue ribbon light meaning

Like regular Pabst Blue Ribbon but not as "heavy". May or may not be as "hip" as original PBR.

Pabst Brown Ribbon meaning

The stain left on a hipster's underwear after a night spent drinking copious amounts of PBR tall boys while wearing an ironic t-shirt he bought on the internet, listening to really shitty pseudo-punk music, and going on and on about how deck the band is in a PoMo kind of way

Pabsted meaning

Getting drunk off of Pabst Blue Ribbon or any other cheap beer or liquor. PBR

Pabstenance meaning

The basic necessity that one needs to survive on beer.

Pabster meaning

A Pabster is a punk ass bastard. It can also be someone who drinks a lot of Pabst Blue Ribbon, a low quality, relatively inexpensive brand of beer. If you happen to be a punk ass bastard and drinking a Pabst at then same time then you are a dabster (short for double Pabster) or a "pabster dabster".

Pabst Goal meaning

A greasy (bad shot, undeserved) goal in any type of hockey video game. In comparison to offering someone a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Which someone wouldn't expect to receive something that crappy, but does.

Pabstinence meaning

To refrain from sex because you have yet to get hammered... Somewhat equivalent to whiskey dick, but it's cheap beer and you've yet to consume it.

Pabstini meaning

An adult beverage popular in Portland, OR. Made by adding a shot of lemon-flavored vodka to a pint of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, then adding a few green olives on a toothpick, or as an alternative, adding a few vermouth-soaked green olives to a PBR will get the job done as well.

Pabstism meaning

The first step in hipster initiation. Fill a bathtub with Pabst Blue Ribbon, get in it and drink it. You’ll develop a taste for the nasty beer over time and have no problem guzzling them down in public. Then you can impress your friends on how much you enjoy drinking cheap beer.

pabstize meaning

The intentional pouring or far more common spilling of alcohol, most often beer, on oneself or others.