PACHUKA meaning and definition

PACHUKA meaning

In my opinion, one of the best webmasters on the internet. He has amassed a huge amount of rare Sonic game information that no one else could have done all in one place, Sonic-CulT. All of this information has made it to other sites but they wouldn’t have all of it without him

PACHUKA meaning

Founder of Sonic CulT, which has risen in recent years to be one of the most popular Sonic sites around. Pachuka himself, while having made many enemies, is also very popular around a lot of people for his attitude - he doesn't hesitate to ridicule someone if they post silly shit on his site and constantly posts pics of his outings (pissing all over Gator's sign was a good one). As for the child-molester allegations, I for one think of Pachuka to be a little smarter than that. i'm going with xt0rt in that the silly bitch lied about her age, she is 15 after all and knows perfectly well what she was doing. We'll just have to wait and see.

PACHUKA meaning

The creator of Sonic CulT. Is very awesome and cool.

PACHUKA meaning

A train of people giving rim jobs.

PACHUKA meaning

A thin stick like instrument used to clean resin/tar out of the cone piece of a bong.

PACHUKA meaning

Term referring to a rude and unimaginative person who gains high praise among fools. Undeservingly powerful with the previously mentioned command, though often predictable. May also refer to one who makes the habit of repeatedly using mindlessly offensive words(fuck, shit, cock), and pays no attention to logic and moral. Like a deaf guy with Turret's Syndrome.

PACHUKA meaning

An export heroin cigarrette rolled in the finest hentai printouts.

Read also:

pachunga meaning

Also known as sweaty ball syndrome.

Pachungi meaning

Nickname used by the father of young Puerto Rican offspring meaning little chubby one. Can also be used to describe chubby or stubby things.

Pachunk meaning

When you get your woman (or man) on their knees in front of you. Then you tease them with your cock and get them to close their eyes and open their mouth. You then pull your hard cock to your stomach and let it go. Pachunk is the sound it makes when it slaps them on the face.

pachunkachunk meaning

1) a big fat ass, chunky (as in chunky monkey) 2) Not something you would strive for, or tap for that matter.

Pachunkies meaning

Its your personal space, your bubble.

pachu peda meaning

1.When the smoking of marijuana is combined with the consumption of alcohol by international students to enhance its "apendejante" effects. Tends to take you into hyperspace. The order of these substances does affect the product. A "peda" followed by smoking out will lead to throwing up. 2.What Austin College students do because there is not much else to do in fucking Sherman. 3.combination between the words "pachuquiza" and "peda"

pachushi meaning

When something looks beautiful or on point. The opposite of ratchet.

pachuta meaning

A white-arseded cank licker who dont like the breezy's and wants to get Anderson in the Arse!

Pachy meaning

A stripper girlfriend who is extremely hot.

Pachycephalosaurus meaning

the act of head butting a chick in the mouth during sex