pack a missile meaning and definition

pack a missile meaning

Originating from New Hampshire it is the act of inserting a large quantity of smokeless tobacco (skoal) in between you gum and cheek. The amount of dip can range from a half-a-tin to an entire tin. This is not like any other lip, its fucking huge. (DS)

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pack an 11 meaning

Fucking bitches while smoking with a nigga but u can't pack an eleven without a nigga with you or else it's like packen a 12


Packanack Lake is an upscale lake community in Wayne, New Jersey comprising of the neighborhoods of Packanack Estates, Packanack Lake, Packanack Manor, and Packanack Woods. Widely-known as the community who refused to let minorities (Including Italian's) join Packanack's 'County Club' in the 1960's (You had to join the Club in order to buy a home in the community), it is now filled with WASP's, upper-middle-class & rich kids whos drive their parents Mercedes and BMW's, $500k tiny 2 Bedroom bungalows and McMansions that take up the whole acreage.

Pack and a Half meaning

A Pack and a Half is a TINY male erectile organ of copulation.Basically, the reproductive organ attached to a man's body which is extremely small (comparable to the tiny cock on a young child boy).This itsy-bitsy member is typically under 3.54331 inches (or 9cm) in erect size and is generally useless to the broader female population.A penis so miniature that during coitus it cannot be felt inside the vagina and therefore serves no real function.The term "pack and a half" has been coined as a reference point. By placing one Sugar Twin sweetener package on the table and then placing another sweetener package directly on top of the first one at the half-way point, one can accurately measure the pint-sized protuberance.

Pack and pee time meaning

This is the last 10 minutes at the end of a work day. This is when you begin to pack your stuff to go and take time to use the restroom.

Pack and play meaning

Is a packer that can also be used for bedroom play.

pack and sack meaning

When you pack multiple sacks (scrotums) into any such sack. The sacks could include, but are not limited to: underwear, mouths, back packs, etc.

Packanoia meaning

That nagging feeling you get just before and just after the time you leave for a trip that you will forget to pack or have forgotten to pack something important.

pack a p meaning

The act of placing marijuana into a PB or popper bottle for smoking. The marijuna is generally packed into a tight little ball and then forcefully shoved into the end of the metal tube attched to the PB.

Pack a picnic meaning

To insert one's testicles into another person's anus.

Pack a Punch meaning

A gameplay mechanic in Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies. It allows you to upgrade your weapon. Usually costs 5000 credits. To purchase upgraded ammo costs 4500 credits, or you could wait to get a max ammo. Upgrading weapons is costly but worth it. Upgrades damage by at least 125% and gives a new camo to the weapon and a random attachment.