packin meaning and definition

packin meaning

v. To hold or to have. Can be used variable contexts, from having a weapon to having a large body part. See packing.

packin meaning

The size of your penis.

packin meaning

To posess, usually drugs or guns

packin meaning

Carrying Protection

packin meaning

A female who's got big breasts and/or an ass.

packin meaning

1. The act of utilizing a jet-pack in Halo: Reach 2. A fools way to fight. 3. A frustration wrapped in an annoyance bagged in a backpack.

packin meaning

A really hot guy who either has a six pack or has a great body

Read also:

Packin a fatty meaning

to putt a large amount of smokeless tabaco in ones lip

Packination meaning

Noun: the art of properly packing a bag for trips. This includes but is not limited to rolling your clothes to fit into areas much smaller than you would think possible.

packing meaning

1: Concealing a firearm 2: Concealing a Pakistani refugee

packing a bomb meaning

When someone has a large amount of smokeless tobacco in their lip at one time, this is considered a "bomb"

packing a bowl meaning

ejaculating a wad of your own cum into your own belly button

Packing a Boxed Lunch meaning

A discreet term for a lesbian. Made popular in the movie "Slither."

Packing a Chubby meaning

An erection of a males genatalia.

Packing a dang meaning

To use smokeless tobacco product. Also known as packing a lip, packing a sweet dang and liberating your teeth from your gums. Also known as a ding.

packing a dip meaning

to have chewing tobacco in one's mouth

Packing a Fat Hog meaning

The act of scooping out a large chunk of Skoal, Copenhagen, or Redman and placing it in your lip of cheek. Extremely popular with students at Episcopal High School in Houston and Cascia Hall Catholic School in Tulsa. Originates with a couple freshman at Cascia.