packoo meaning and definition

packoo meaning

Noun. 1. the equivalent to someone mentally retarded and gay. aka Neil. aka rape! no jk :-D 2. also can be used in place of *SMACK*! so when you're mad at someone who cheated on you, you can call them a packoo and even packoo them!

packoo meaning

Noun. 1. the equivalent to someone mentally retarded and gay and canadian. aka JImmo.:-D 2. also can be used in place of *SMACK*! so when you're mad at someone who cheated on you, you can call them a packoo and even packoo them!

packoo meaning

Noun. 1. the equivalent to someone mentally retarded and gay. aka trinh. aka rape! no jk :-D 2. also can be used in place of *SMACK*! so when you're mad at someone who cheated on you, you can call them a packoo and even packoo them! WHAT pragay!! u slept with my DOG!? YOU PACKOO! *PACKOO*!! pragay, stop packooing me! it hurts! pragay, ur being a real packoo right now... so just stop... HEE HAW! PACKOO! EEP! OMG! JFDKSJFaslfaf! TAH DAH!!!! yay.

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pack out meaning

When someone is so drunk their words begin to come out wrong. In this case they voluntarily are trying to say they are drunk. They are saying Fucked up, but it comes out as Packout.

pack out with your crack out meaning

1. The act of performing your job function with portions of your ass crack or underwear exposed. This involves any type of work, either white or blue collar. Can be performed by both females and males. 2. Inspirational words of wisdom from Wakefern wharehouse employees, as is written inside most trailers.

pack pack meaning

brand name of baby carrier

Packpocket meaning

When a girl gives you money for drinks on a date, and you sneak it back into her bag.

PackPoint meaning

When two people arrive, independent of one another, at the same number of cigarettes (or other items) in their own respective packs at the same time.

PackPounding meaning

To jump someone. To fight a target as a group.

pack pusher meaning

Someone who is pushing the pace of a group of runners against the will of the rest of the group, however, they feel they must keep up because everyone looks better if you finish as a group.

packrage meaning

Experiencing strong angry feelings while packing or spring cleaning

Pack raped meaning

This occurs when you pull out a pack of gum in front of a large group of people, and everyone takes a piece which leaves you with no more gum

packrastinate meaning

A compound verb formed by the words pack and procrastinate. When you have to move, or go on a trip, and have plenty of advance warning, but you still only pack your belongings at the last minute.