pain in the ass meaning and definition

pain in the ass meaning

someone who has no purpose but to piss you off.

pain in the ass meaning

Thing that bothers you very much, but it's hard or inappropriate to put them on the table to talk about because of the bother-maker's identity.

pain in the ass meaning

A task, often bureaucratic, that is more difficult than it needs to be.

pain in the ass meaning

To have discomfort in the buttocks

pain in the ass meaning

My nephew Someone who annoys the shit out of you for no reason

pain in the ass meaning

The pubescent little shit I have to tolerate ever since she rushed her way out of out of my goddamn mother's womb.

pain in the ass meaning

See: girls

Read also:

pain-in-the-assitude meaning

Typically an attitude or demeanor associated with those who need more attention than normal people.

Painintheassness meaning

The quality of causing difficulty, esp. repetetive or tedious tasks.

Pain in the Ass with Benefits meaning

Two people whose relation only exists because of a sexual relationship. This may often be seen from others as "Friends with Benefits" type of situation. However, unlike that situation one of the two people is faking enjoyment of the friendship component. The person facilitating the deception is doing so in order to avoid causing a negative emotional response which may cease the sexual component.

pain in the ayn meaning

Something that you don't like or is a pain in the ass, except it is worse than a pain in the ass, and is a pain deeper in your ass. "Ayn" is obviously short for anus.

pain in the backside meaning

a moron who wants to spend time with you more than you want to spend time with them, because they cannot stand their own company.

pain in the balls meaning

In males, when the thing that was a pain in his ass has finally gotten to the point where it has torn him a new asshole and has moved on to his balls. Thus causing the thing annoying him to now be a pain in the balls.

pain in the bitch meaning

Something that is mentally grievous or painful to the speaker, provided the speaker themselves are a bitch.

Pain in the bum meaning

Pain in the bum is a British slang equivalent of pain in the ass. The bum in this case isn't an American bum, but a English bum which is a slightly less vulgar equivalent of arse, or if you are American ass. At one time, certainly during during the seventeenth century the word bum wasn't considered vulgar at all, one Gentleman Soldier, fighting for the King during the English Civil War, recorded how on one occasion the going was so difficult that he "slipped and fell on my bum".

pain in the butt meaning

Having pain in your ass.

pain in the cervix meaning

1)when a guy is fuckin a girl really hard with a long dick 2)saying that someone is annoying