painciling meaning and definition

painciling meaning

When you are about to experience severe pain, and you put a pencil in your mouth so you can bite down on it.

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paindagarten meaning

when a small kindergarten child finds himself in a life or death situiation involving a mad smomach pain. leading to a rushed trip to the doctor with a result of '' have you tryed urinating'' problem solved

painding meaning

A pounding pain, commonly found in your head.

paindoo meaning

1) A person who comes from the village(of India or Pakistan). Usually used in a derogatory connotation

Paindrops meaning

Raindrops that has enough mass to hurt.

paindu meaning

a pakistani or indian person who speaks punjabi and has a bad english accent

Pain du Pain meaning

It's a French sexual term for when your partner holds your penis in their mouth beyond the point of erection to the state of limp, mushyness like a piece of soggy, wet bread. Then, you smack your partner in the head with your flaccid unit and moisturize their face with your ejaculatory fluid. "Pain" is the French word for bread.

Paine meaning

Overly camp student whose entirety of friends reside on the 789 bus. Partial to the odd dosage of Salsa dancing. Takes a keen interest in Windows and PDAs, as well as an unhealthy habbit for eBay.

pain-eater meaning

Willingly experiencing someone else's pain so they don't have to.

painel meaning

the name given to a thick person who might stoop to the level of trying to insult others in an attempt to make themselves appear more intelligent. this usually leads to their own humiliation (see also: blad/oli) painel also refers to the anal pains of one such as a bandit or bender.

pain elemental meaning

Easily the most annoying of enemies in Doom 2. Has relatively higher HP than most of the lower enemies, but thankfully not enough to compete with enemies like the Baron. It's attack consists of shooting a shitload of flaming skulls at you until it's dead. Usually comes with other monsters. Also floats like the Cacodemon.